The Dirt on The Dirt....
Read Motley Crue's book called "The Dirt". Now I am not a huge Crue fan, but I do like some of their stuff. I picked up the book, all I can say is it certainly exceeded my expectations. Now, don't get me wrong it certainly won't win any literary awards but it was an interesting read.
The book covers the band members from Childhood through the reunion a few years back. The format is very interesting. Each "Chapter" is filled with each band member writing several 3-4 page stories (can't find the right word), that discuss a period of time for the band.
What a bunch of lunatics, they cover their serious drug addictions and the stupidity that went with it. A serious tale of Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll excess. For example, Nicki Sixx covers a period when they were touring and met up with the guys from Cheap Trick. Apparently Nicki was a huge fan, and in a heroin and coke induced stupor pissed on one of his hero's. I mean really, you can't get that type of writing just anywhere.
Another interesting thing about the format is that as they are each discussing what was going on with the band you find out how they thought they were hiding their individual addictions from each other and the following "essay" will cover the fact that they all knew.
There is an interesting discussion about Nicki missing his grandmothers funeral because he was too high and his apparent guilt regarding it, and another interesting discussion regarding the time Vince spent in jail after wrecking his car while all boozed up and killing the drummer from Hanoi Rocks. None of the other band members went to visit him in prison because they were too busy getting high. I think I have used my maximum allowable uses of the word "interesting."
I am sure many people would dismiss this book because it is written by the Crue, but it is really well written (I am sure heavily edited). They don't pull any punches and give you a real behind the scenes view point of what was going on. Talk about a band on the edge. Sort of makes you wonder how any of them survived, although Nicki did flat line from a drug overdose. After being saved by paramedics checks himself out of the hospital and shoots himself up with heroin. During this he leaves a message on his answering machine along the lines of "Hi this is Nicki, I can't take your call because I'm dead."
I found it to be an enjoyable read.
vi·gnette [ vin yét ]
noun (plural vi·gnettes)
1. short essay: a short descriptive piece of literary writing
Is that the word?
Well not quite where I was going but it would certainly work.
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