Finally a day off
I know that nobody is sorry for me. Most people are working pretty hard. Today was my first day off in three or four weeks so I decided to get out for some fishing. Water temps on Le Bowl De Toilet (also known as the chain) were ranging between 80-82 degrees which is high for Musky fishing. I probably shouldn't have been out as catching Musky when the water temps are that high put a lot of stress on the fish......of course you have to catch them first to really have to worry about it.
No need to worry today. I did have two middle 30 inch Muskies try to dive bomb a jackpot. One came out of the water about three feet from the boat. Scared the shit out of me. I also had the hardest strike I have ever had Musky fishing. The fish Damn near ripped the rod right out of my hands, but after a few head shakes she was gone. I never got to see her but it had to be a pretty big fish. Then the lighting and thunder came and I pretty much got washed off the lake when the rains came. My boat needed a wash anyway.
Came home and after a good three hour nap, headed downstairs for a little guitar playing. Usually I work on something specific but today I decided to put the amp on the clean channel, crank up the reverb and just jam away. Mostly in A minor, jamming through all the modes of the scale. I pretty much just closed my eyes and let the music (I use the word lightly as I'm not sure you can call what I do music) flow through me for an hour or so.
But back to work tomorrow for three days of hell. Wednesday at 4:30 the pressure will be off as our quarterly filing will be done, then Thursday night I head for the northwoods for a weekend of fishing......can't wait.
To have a day off, at least in the same time zone as the family is a super thing to have.
Next week I'm home all week working out of the home office....
Air temp in Tampa is high, this makes for a dull and cranky Woodchuck...
very cranky woodchuck
oh, sorry was that my outside voice
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