Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Work Work Work Work and Headaches...little bit of musky action thrown in.

Work has been a ball buster lately. Averaging about 60+ hours per week, except for a little fishing excursion up north last weekend. Was able to boat a 39 inch Musky, but lost a 40+ incher boat side. This fish hit right at the boat and proceeded to have its way with me. Then had a bigger fish follow around my bait at boat side through 6-7 figure 8's and wouldn't eat. Had a great time, even though it rained everyday.

Got promoted, big raise, big office, big time work load. Very tired. Really putting a crimp in my guitar time. Younger son (12) is getting migraines again. So far he has missed 14 days of school, but the last week has been miserable. We are talking big time migraines that pretty much put him on his back in the dark for days on end. Momma Musky had to quit her job because she was missing to much time from work being home with the boy. New set of doctors, new set of tests, new meds.........very frustrating. We have tried just about everything including many things that are not covered by insurance. This year we have already broke our out of pocket medical bill record and we are approaching $20K on the year. This has been going on for 4 years now. What a pain in the ass and bank account, but what can you do. He's my kid and I love him. If I have to go bankrupt in order to get this straightened out I will do it in a heatbeat. I know, I have broke the rule I put in my first post but I'm frustrated and hopefully writing about it will make me feel somewhat better. Can't really talk about it with Momma Musky, what's left to say? Unfortunately it's 10 times worse for her because she is home with him and sees the worst of it. Usually by the time I get home, he is either feeling better or so doped up he is in a daze. Last year he missed 60 days of school. At this pace we are going to be right there again.

Oh well, off to the basement to jam a little and hopefully calm myself down.


At 11:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so sorry to hear about the migraines - when Woodchuck would get them it was horrible - light sensitivity, throwing up, and then out cold for 8 hours - do not touch

I think we figured out a few environmental triggers and food - as well as stress cycles - he pops excedrin migraine like candy, but it seems to have helped the past few years

wish I knew just which factor helped Woodchuck the most to share - we have a whole house air purification system, we changed foods . . .

At 9:21 AM, Blogger Woodchuck said...

My little furry heart goes out to the kid, I had trouble dealing with migrianes as an adult, I could not think of what the little guys is going through so young.

I hope he grows out of it.

At 7:08 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Sorry to be coming in late to the post.

But he's a great kid, and I just hope that you can look back on the last few years and say 'thank goodness that went away.'

I can empathize a little, being held out of gym for 3 years due to symptoms one doctor said were psychosematic (sp?). Turns out it was arthritis, but you know, to-mah-to to-ma-to.


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