Wednesday, April 18, 2007

New Guitar Shop in the Area

Woo Hoo.....New guitar shop opened in the area, much better than the crappy ones that are within a 10 minute drive......Gibsons, Fenders and Hamers...oh my....G&L nice.....I am going to have to spend some time there and maybe acquire the Hamer LP that they had hanging on the wall.....

Spent about 20 minutes talking to the Owner, looks like the shop is a hobby for him and not his principal money maker so that will hopefully make purchases cheaper. The older boy wants to start taking Guitar Lessons (and still continue with drum lessons). I think I will sign him up their and then I can start working a deal on the Hamer.....

Of course if I can finish in the money in the fishing tournament this weekend maybe I won't have to deal much at's all coming together......

She will be mine...oh yes.... she will be mine.....