Friday, September 29, 2006

That Bastard

Well just when you think you are making progress reality smacks you back into order. Went to my guitar lesson all proud of myself for learning the complete song "Lay it on the Line" by Triumph. Solo and everything.

So I am at my lesson and we are discussing what songs we have worked on over the last year. I play a few I can remember and then jump into "Lay it on the line." Finish it and he says, "play the solo again" I get done and he says, "that's pretty good, but um your picking is really lazy, let's work on that." What? My picking is lazy what the hell does that mean.

He goes on to point out that my technique sucks and it's time to work on it. Well now as I'm concentrating on my technique I can't play anything for shit. It's almost like I am starting over. How dare he ruin my confidence by trying to make me a better player...what the hell does he think I'm paying him for?

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Work Work Work Work and Headaches...little bit of musky action thrown in.

Work has been a ball buster lately. Averaging about 60+ hours per week, except for a little fishing excursion up north last weekend. Was able to boat a 39 inch Musky, but lost a 40+ incher boat side. This fish hit right at the boat and proceeded to have its way with me. Then had a bigger fish follow around my bait at boat side through 6-7 figure 8's and wouldn't eat. Had a great time, even though it rained everyday.

Got promoted, big raise, big office, big time work load. Very tired. Really putting a crimp in my guitar time. Younger son (12) is getting migraines again. So far he has missed 14 days of school, but the last week has been miserable. We are talking big time migraines that pretty much put him on his back in the dark for days on end. Momma Musky had to quit her job because she was missing to much time from work being home with the boy. New set of doctors, new set of tests, new meds.........very frustrating. We have tried just about everything including many things that are not covered by insurance. This year we have already broke our out of pocket medical bill record and we are approaching $20K on the year. This has been going on for 4 years now. What a pain in the ass and bank account, but what can you do. He's my kid and I love him. If I have to go bankrupt in order to get this straightened out I will do it in a heatbeat. I know, I have broke the rule I put in my first post but I'm frustrated and hopefully writing about it will make me feel somewhat better. Can't really talk about it with Momma Musky, what's left to say? Unfortunately it's 10 times worse for her because she is home with him and sees the worst of it. Usually by the time I get home, he is either feeling better or so doped up he is in a daze. Last year he missed 60 days of school. At this pace we are going to be right there again.

Oh well, off to the basement to jam a little and hopefully calm myself down.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Migraines, Muskies, Metal and Soccer

What a fantastic holiday weekend (for the most part). I got to do all the things I really enjoy. The older son, who is playing Freshman High School Soccer (Damn do I feel old) had games on Friday, Saturday and Monday. Based on the time of most of his games I will miss them because of work, but I got to watch all the games this weekend. He isn't the star of the team by any stretch but plays about half the game at outside back, plays hard and has a good time. I love watching my kids play sports...even if I can't keep my mouth shut (A minor bit of ugliness ensued at one game as a parent of a player on another team told me "Not to say another f'ing word" for the rest of the game..I effectively told him to go to hell).

Got out fishing two days. One with Khyle. Had a great time, fishing wasn't that good, but Khyle stuck a nice 2-3 pound bass and I was able to get a small musky. Weather was nice, just a little to nice for Musky fishing. Monday was a different story, cloudy and rainy. The upside was there weren't more the 5-6 boats on the water. I was able to catch a 43" Musky, which is my biggest in the last two years. It crushed a topwater bait and since I was fishing by myself netting the beast was a complete clusterfuck. But I did get her in the bag. Of course I had forgotten my digital camera and had to dig out a two year old disposable. Hopefully the photos will come out and I will post them.

Played a lot of guitar this weekend. Not working on anything specific, just sort of wanking (technical guitar term) if you will.

The only downside to the weekend was repeated migraines. I get weird ones, I generally don't get a headache but lose my vision. I see a flash, then get kaleidoscope vision for about 40 minutes. At its worst I can't see, at its best I can see partly but can't drive. If I get one at work and try to read or work through it, then I will get the headache. Well I got one on Friday that was minor, one on Saturday that was pretty major and went into a nasty headache where I had to work pretty hard not to vomit. Sunday I got two while on the water fishing with Khyle. The first one wasn't to bad, but the second was a doozy (sp??). I didn't say anything because I was having a good time and well, honestly not much I would have been able to do because I wouldn't have been able to drive home any way. One more on Monday that was very minor. Not sure what the scoop is, as generally speaking I only get one or two a month.

Must be stress, oh good I get to go to work tomorrow.