Recording and Guitar Hero
New Computer is here, recording software is working and there doesn't appear to be any once I can figure out the drum loops I will start recording and hopefully have something worth listening to (doubtful, but possible). It's amazing what you can do with a halfway decent computer and the right tools. After getting past a nasty case of the flu which kept me on my ass through Christmas day, I have finally been able to mess around with it. Even MommaMusky said that the first attempts sounded pretty good. The only problem I'm running into is synching the drums with the riffs or rhythms that I have come up with.
The software has a pretty good website that has several active members who seem to be very helpful, so I will definately go that route when needed. Of course, I am heading into a very busy time of year at work (how can it get any busier than it currently is? ).
The kids got Guitar Hero II for Christmas. We spent about 3 hours playing today. My younger son kicks ass, even the older son admits that he is the weaker of the two. Anyways, MommaMusky and I started playing, she on Easy and me on Medium. Then the kids came down and started playing on Expert and taunting me for playing medium. I tried to kick it up to the hard level and that became a bit of a disaster. The game is pretty fun, but I think I will stick with the real thing. It is fun the watch them wail away, but I wish they would put that energy into their real instruments.......younger one plays piano, older one plays drums. They both will start their lessons again after the new year. Me and the older boy can make a hell of a racket in the basement with him on the drums.
Shit, I have to go back to work tomorrow.....uggh. I'm going to have to buy a lottery ticket.
You should post some of your playing. Since I have no rhythm, I would love to hear you play and live my dream playing air guitar.
Working on it. As soon as I come up with something that I feel comfortable with I will figure out how to post.
Sounds good.
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